Fermenter/Bioreactor Control System Courtesy ILS Automation |
Bioreactors can have their useful working life extended, even made more productive, through the replacement of the automation and control system. Modern measurement and control gear can provide utility that may not have been available at the time of original manufacture. With vessel, support structure, and piping in good condition, a system may be a viable candidate for refurbishing to bring about upgraded performance or avoid the purchase of an entire new system. ILS Automation is a specialist in the realm of refurbishing bioreactor systems.
The company has several drop-in replacement control units for smaller bioreactors, and also provides turn-key solutions for larger systems. The ILS expertise also extends into other industrial process control and automation fields in the biotechnology, chemical, oil and gas industries.
A bioreactor control system update case study is included below. More product, service, and capabilities information is available from
Alliance Technical Sales.